Advances in Learning Engineering and Data Analytics
Recorded On: 10/08/2020
An Explorative Analysis of the Feasibility of Implementing Metacognitive Strategies in Self-Regulated Learning with the Conversational Agents
Author(s):Smit Desai University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Jessie Chin University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Abstract: With the prevalence of commercially available conversational agents (CAs) little research examined the capacities and constraints of these devices to support adults to learn new information on their own. The article conducted systematic analysis on the commercially available CAs (using work domain analysis and literature review) synthesized the metacognitive strategies that have been implemented in the computer-based learning environments and examined the feasibility to implement these strategies on CAs to support self-regulated learning. This study has implications on designing scalable evidence-based theory-driven educational applications to support users to learn new information on their own using the off-the-shelf devices.
Bridging Psychology and Engineering: Undergraduate Conceptions of Human Systems Engineering
Author(s):Rod Roscoe Arizona State University; Samuel Arnold Arizona State University; Ashley Clark Arizona State University
Abstract: Instruction and coursework that link engineering and psychology may enable future engineers to better understand the people they are engineering for (e.g. users and clients) and themselves as engineers (e.g. teammates). In addition human-centered engineering education may empower engineering students to better solve problems at the intersection of technology and people. In this study we surveyed students conceptions and attitudes toward human systems engineering. We aggregate responses across three survey iterations to discuss students knowledge and beliefs and to consider instructional opportunities for introductory courses.
Educational Data Mining and Learning Analytics for Improving Online Learning Environments
Author(s):Yancy Vance Paredes Arizona State University; Robert Siegle Arizona State University; I-Han Hsiao Arizona State University; Scotty Craig Arizona State University
Abstract: The proliferation of educational technology systems has led to the advent of a large number of datasets related to learner interaction. New fields have emerged which aim to use this data to identify interventions that could help the learners become efficient and effective in their learning. However these systems have to follow user-centered design principles to ensure that the system is usable and the data is of high quality. Human factors literature is limited on the topics regarding Educational Data Mining (EDM) and Learning Analytics (LA). To develop improved educational systems it is important for human factors engineers to be exposed to these data-oriented fields. This paper aims to provide a brief introduction to the fields of EDM and LA discuss data visualization and dashboards that are used to convey results to learners and finally to identify where human factors can aid other fields.
Human-Centered and Psychological Concepts in Undergraduate Engineering Project Documentation
Author(s):Rod Roscoe Arizona State University; Samuel Arnold Arizona State University; Chelsea Johnson Arizona State University
Abstract: The success of engineering and design are facilitated by a working understanding of human thoughts feelings and behaviors. In this study we explored how undergraduate engineering students included such human-centered and psychological concepts in their project documentation. Although we observed a range of concepts related to design processes teams cognition and motivation these concepts appeared infrequently and superficially. We discuss how this analysis and approach may help to identify topics that could be leveraged for future human-centered engineering instruction.
Investigating the Effects of Demographics and Framing on Robot-theater Summer Youth Programs
Author(s):Chihab Nadri Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Jiayuan Dong Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Haley Swaim Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Sangjin Ko Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Harsh Sanghavi Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Myounghoon Jeon Virginia Tech
Abstract: While robot-theater and other STEAM education programs have shown promise in increasing interest in STEM fields the effects of demographic and other contextual factors have not been thoroughly investigated yet. While conducting robot-theater summer youth sessions with forty participants of the TechGirls international summer exchange program we explored these factors. Participants in teams of four to six students were tasked with creating a script for a theater play that required the use of programmable robots. Results seem to suggest the influence of demographic factors such as nationality as well as the effect of framing on participant attitudes towards robots and STEAM education. Subsequent validation of these effects in other studies is expected to contribute to refining the design of robot-theater and other STEAM education programs.
The Influence of Voice on Pedagogical Agent's Persona and Recall Performance
Author(s):Thomas Morris Eastern Kentucky University; Michael Chen Eastern Kentucky University
Abstract: Despite the prevalence of computer-generated speech few studies have investigated the direct relationship between an agent's voice and students perception or recall performance. This study investigated the effects of voice (without visual information) on students perception ratings and recall performance. Our results indicated that in the absence of visual information students greatly preferred the human voice. The recall performance however indicated that the synthesized voices led to better recall performance. Implications for pedagogical practices will be discussed.