Cognitive Systems Engineering at 40, Part I: Deriving Theory from Practice

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This expert panel is the first of a two-panel series marking the 40th anniversary of “Cognitive Systems Engineering: New Wine in New Bottles” by Hollnagel and Woods (1983) and, arguably, the beginning of Cognitive Systems Engineering (CSE). These experts were there at (or near) the beginning, devising new methods, expanding and creating new theories, and revealing a new perspective on how complex systems sustain performance and fail. They also wrestled and struggled with these new ideas to propose and implement solutions to improve performance in a number of high-consequence industries. Whether in graduate school or as early-career professionals, they saw the surprises that served as signals that the thinking that brought us to that point would not, alone, be the thinking and doing that would take us further. They will each answer the question, “What ideas and perspectives are important about Cognitive Systems Engineering, and why?”

Recorded on Thursday, October 26th, 2023, at the HFES 67th International Annual Meeting in Washington, DC.

Dr. Michael F. Rayo (Moderator)

The Ohio State University

Nancy Cooke

Director, Center for Human, AI, and Robot Teaming Professor, Human Systems Engineering, Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering

Arizona State University

Dr. John Flach

Mile Two, LLC

Dr. Robert Hoffman

Institute for Human and Machine Cognition

Dr. Philip Smith

The Ohio State University

Dr. David Woods

The Ohio State University


Cognitive Systems Engineering at 40, Part I: Deriving Theory from Practice
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Open to view video. Recorded on Thursday, October 26th, 2023, at the HFES 67th International Annual Meeting in Washington, DC.