HFES Best Paper Award Webinar: Adapting Cognitive Task Analysis Methods for Use in a Large Sample Simulation Study of High-Risk Healthcare Events

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Includes a Live Web Event on 10/16/2024 at 12:00 PM (EDT)

Cognitive task analysis (CTA) methods are traditionally used to conduct small-sample, in-depth studies. In this case study, CTA methods were adapted for a large multi-site study in which 102 anesthesiologists worked through four different high-fidelity simulated high-consequence incidents. Cognitive interviews were used to elicit decision processes following each simulated incident. In this webinar, I will highlight three practical challenges that arose:

(1) standardizing the interview techniques for use across a large, distributed team of diverse backgrounds;
(2) developing effective training; and
(3) developing a strategy to analyze the resulting large amount of qualitative data.
I will reflect on how we addressed these challenges and share findings from a preliminary analysis that provides early validation of the strategy employed.

Laura Militello

Laura Militello is co-founder and Chief Executive Officer at Applied Decision Science, LLC, a research and development company that studies decision making in complex environments. She also co-founded Unveil, LLC, a company that delivers recognition skills training to combat medics, emergency responders and others. She is a recognized leader in the naturalistic decision making community, and in the design and application of cognitive task analysis methods. Her most recent book, Handbook of Augmented Reality Training Design Principles, offers design guidance for developing recognition skills training for high-stakes environments. She holds a master’s degree in human factors psychology from the University of Dayton.


HFES Best Paper Award: Adapting Cognitive Task Analysis Methods for Use in a Large Sample Simulation Study of High-Risk Healthcare Events
10/16/2024 at 12:00 PM (EDT)  |  60 minutes
10/16/2024 at 12:00 PM (EDT)  |  60 minutes Cognitive task analysis (CTA) methods are traditionally used to conduct small-sample, in-depth studies. In this case study, CTA methods were adapted for a large multi-site study in which 102 anesthesiologists worked through four different high-fidelity simulated high-consequence incidents. Cognitive interviews were used to elicit decision processes following each simulated incident. In this webinar, I will highlight three practical challenges that arose: (1) standardizing the interview techniques for use across a large, distributed team of diverse backgrounds; (2) developing effective training; and (3) developing a strategy to analyze the resulting large amount of qualitative data. I will reflect on how we addressed these challenges and share findings from a preliminary analysis that provides early validation of the strategy employed.