HFES Best Paper Award Webinar: Insights From an Usability Review of an Electronic Medical Record–Integrated Physical Activity Counselling Tool for Primary Care

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Includes a Live Web Event on 10/30/2024 at 12:00 PM (EDT)

This study assessed primary care providers’ (PCPs) perceptions of the usability of an electronic medical record tool to support physical activity counseling in primary care. Our analyses revealed that usability improved when the electronic medical record tool followed a PCP’s natural workflow and when the tool could assist in engaging in a discussion about physical activity. Poor usability was associated with the presence of large amounts of text on the screen and technological aspects that required additional learning. Overall, efficiency, workflow integration, and the inclusion of a care plan were vital in a physical activity counseling tool for a primary care setting.

Bobby Neudorf


HFES Best Paper Award Webinar: Insights From an Usability Review of an Electronic Medical Record–Integrated Physical Activity Counselling Tool for Primary Care
10/30/2024 at 12:00 PM (EDT)  |  60 minutes
10/30/2024 at 12:00 PM (EDT)  |  60 minutes This study assessed primary care providers’ (PCPs) perceptions of the usability of an electronic medical record tool to support physical activity counselling in primary care. Our analyses revealed that usability improved when the electronic medical record tool followed a PCP’s natural workflow and when the tool could assist in engaging in a discussion about physical activity. Poor usability was associated with the presence of large amounts of text on the screen and technological aspects that required additional learning. Overall, efficiency, workflow integration, and the inclusion of a care plan were vital in a physical activity counselling tool for a primary care setting.