HFES Environmental Design Technical Group Webinar: Exploring the Past, Present, and Future of the Environmental Design Technical Group
- Non-member - $25
- Member - Free!
This Webinar is presented by the HFES Environmental Design Technical Group.
Leaders of the Environmental Design Technical Group (EDTG) welcome all HFES members to attend a webinar to explore the EDTG’s past, present, and future. Our time will:
1. Explore the history of the EDTG technical group
2. Describe the topic areas most represented in recent HFES conferences and
3. Facilitate discussion on how the EDTG can meet the future needs of the HFES members.
This webinar will benefit past and present EDTG members and anyone interested in exploring collaborations with the technical group. It will also be an excellent opportunity for those looking to discover new avenues for their work or collaborations in future HFES meetings. Whether you are a seasoned member or new to the technical group, this session promises valuable insights, networking, and the opportunity to shape the future of the EDTG!

Kaitlin Gallagher (Moderator)
Kaitlin M. Gallagher, Ph.D is an Associate Professor of Exercise Science at the University of Arkansas and the current EDTG Technical Program Chair.

Dr. Anjali Joseph
Anjali Joseph, Ph.D., EDAC, is the Spartanburg Regional Health System Endowed Chair in Architecture + Health Design and Director of the Center for Health Facilities Design and Testing at Clemson University. She is the current EDTG Program Chair.

Dr. Swati Goel
Swati Goel, Ph.D is an Assistant Professor of Interior Design at Georgia Southern University and the current EDTG communication Chair.