HFES Mentorship Committee Webinar: Panel Discussion: Career Development Grants in Academia

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Presented by: The HFES Mentorship Committee

Are you an early-career faculty member, a post-doctoral researcher or a graduate student aiming for a career in academia and looking to apply for career development grants?

Join the remote panel hosted by the HFES Mentorship Committee to learn from HFES members who have successfully secured career development grants from federal agencies. This webinar will provide a platform for networking, exchanging ideas, and receiving guidance on pursuing significant career development grants, such as the NSF Faculty Early Career Development Program, DoD Young Investigator Program or NIH Research Career Development grants (K grants).

Our panelists include Dr. Nathan McNeese, Clemson University, Dr. Natalie Benda, Columbia University, Dr. Matthew Bolton, University of Virginia, Dr. Ji-Eun Kim, University of Washington, Dr. Brandon Pitts, Purdue University. They will share their approaches and strategies for developing successful grant proposals. The panel will be moderated by Dr. Kapil Chalil Madathil from Clemson University.

Dr. Nathan McNeese

Associate Professor

Clemson University

Dr. Nathan J. McNeese is the McQueen Quattlebaum Endowed Associate Professor of Human-Centered Computing, the Founding Director of the Clemson University Center for Human-AI Interaction, Collaboration, & Teaming, and the Founding Director of the Team Research Analytics in Computational Environments (TRACE) Research Group in the School of Computing at Clemson University. His current research interests span across human-AI teaming, human-centered AI, and the development/design of human-centered collaborative tools and systems.

Dr. Natalie C. Benda

Assistant Professor of Health Informatics

Columbia University's School of Nursing

Dr. Natalie Benda is an Assistant Professor of Health Informatics at Columbia University's School of Nursing, specializing in human factors engineering. Her program of research uses human-centered design to advance the inclusivity and equity of healthcare, with a special focus consumer information technology. Dr. Benda currently has a R00 award from the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities to design an mHealth tool to support Black and Spanish-speaking Latina women in reporting and managing somatic and psychological postpartum symptoms.

Dr. Matthew Bolton

Associate Professor

Department of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Virginia

Dr. Matthew Bolton is an Associate Professor in the Department of Systems and Information Engineering at the University of Virginia. Dr. Bolton studies why engineered systems fail and how to prevent failures through human-centered systems engineering, making him an expert in using formal, mathematical methods in human factors engineering to discover engineering oversights that lead to human behavior, error, and cognition contributing to failures.

Dr. Ji-Eun Kim

Assistant Professor

Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle

Dr. Ji-Eun Kim is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University of Washington, Seattle. Her research centers on designing personalized training and interventions that better accommodate individual differences. Toward achieving this, she uses neurophysiological sensor-based human performance modeling tools in high-risk work systems.

Dr. Brandon Pitts

Assistant Professor

School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue University

Dr. Brandon Pitts is an Assistant Professor in the School of Industrial Engineering and a Faculty Associate with the Center on Aging and the Life Course at Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN. His research areas include human factors engineering, human-automation/AI interaction, cyber-human-physical systems, interface design, and gerontechnology in complex transportation and work environments, such as driving and aviation.

Dr. Kapil Chalil Madathil (Moderator)

HFES Mentorship Committee Chair, Professor

Clemson University

Kapil Chalil Madathil is the Wilfred P. Tiencken Endowed Professor at Clemson University with expertise in human factors applied to the design and operation of human-machine systems. 


HFES Mentorship Committee Webinar: Panel Discussion: Career Development Grants in Academia
07/11/2024 at 1:00 PM (EDT)  |  120 minutes
07/11/2024 at 1:00 PM (EDT)  |  120 minutes Are you an early-career faculty member, a post-doctoral researcher or a graduate student aiming for a career in academia and looking to apply for career development grants? Join the remote panel hosted by the HFES Mentorship Committee to learn from HFES members who have successfully secured career development grants from federal agencies. This webinar will provide a platform for networking, exchanging ideas, and receiving guidance on pursuing significant career development grants, such as the NSF Faculty Early Career Development Program, DoD Young Investigator Program or NIH Research Career Development grants (K grants). Our panelists include Dr. Nathan McNeese, Clemson University, Dr. Natalie Benda, Columbia University, Dr. Matthew Bolton, University of Virginia, Dr. Ji-Eun Kim, University of Washington, Dr. Brandon Pitts, Purdue University. They will share their approaches and strategies for developing successful grant proposals. The panel will be moderated by Dr. Kapil Chalil Madathil from Clemson University.