HFES Practitioner's Committee Webinar: The Mindset of Inquiry: Contextual Inquiry, Systems Thinking, and Decision-Making in Complex Human Factor Events

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Includes a Live Web Event on 11/14/2024 at 1:00 PM (EST)

This Webinar is presented by the HFES Practitioner's Committee.

Contextual inquiry reveals the hidden dynamics behind human-system interactions, leveraging Dr. Black's expertise in sensemaking, complexity, systems thinking (DSRP), and high-stakes decision-making environments. Drawing from his experience in policing, military special operations, and expert witness work, Dr. Black will illustrate how the practice of inquiry enhances our perceptual understanding of both clients and ourselves. Through practical examples, participants will be given perspectives and frames to apply inquiry, enhancing and focusing on understanding before we attempt to solve---a common flaw often found in inquiry.

John Black

With over 30 years of experience in military special operations, policing, and systems thinking, Dr. Black is a leading expert on inquiry and the sensemaking/decision-making (SM-DM) dialectic under stress. His work integrates SM-DM with human factors frameworks like DSRP, optimizing inquiry in high-stakes environments and providing professionals with practical perspectives and frames to navigate and better understand complex decision-making landscapes. 

Cindy Miller


HFES Practitioner's Committee Webinar: The Mindset of Inquiry: Contextual Inquiry, Systems Thinking, and Decision-Making in Complex Human Factor Events
11/14/2024 at 1:00 PM (EST)  |  60 minutes
11/14/2024 at 1:00 PM (EST)  |  60 minutes Contextual inquiry reveals the hidden dynamics behind human-system interactions, leveraging Dr. Black's expertise in sensemaking, complexity, systems thinking (DSRP), and high-stakes decision-making environments. Drawing from his experience in policing, military special operations, and expert witness work, Dr. Black will illustrate how the practice of inquiry enhances our perceptual understanding of both clients and ourselves. Through practical examples, participants will be given perspectives and frames to apply inquiry, enhancing and focusing on understanding before we attempt to solve---a common flaw often found in inquiry.