HFES Training Technical Group Webinar: Using Training to Enhance the Performance of Human-AI-Robot Teams
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In this webinar, Dr. Mustafa Demir and Dr. Heather Lum will explore various topics focused on the training of Human-AI-Robot teams. Both Dr. Lum and Dr. Demir are faculty members at the Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering and affiliates of the Center for Human, AI, Robot Teaming at Arizona State University. Over the years, their research has focused on issues such as team coordination, team effectiveness, and the use of games and virtual/mixed environments for training and educational purposes. In this webinar, they will provide an overview of their research while highlighting the broader themes, issues, and trends that their work addresses. After Drs. Demir and Lum have summarized their work, we will open the floor for a question and answer period.

Dr. Heather C. Lum
Assistant Professor
Arizona State University
Dr. Heather C. Lum is an assistant professor in human systems engineering within the Fulton School of Engineering at Arizona State University. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Central Florida in applied experimental and human factors psychology. Her primary research interests focus on perceptions of technology, specifically the ways in which technology is impacting the way we interact with each other as humans. Other areas of interest include the use of psychophysiological measures such as eye tracking and vocal analyses to better determine and study the critical applied cognitive and experimental topics of interest such as spatial cognition, human-human, human-animal and human-robot team interactions. She has also turned her attention to the use of games and virtual/mixed environments for training and educational purposes. She is the director of the Virtual Environments and Cognitive Training Research (VECToR) lab.

Dr. Mustafa Demir
Assistant Professor
Arizona State University
Dr. Mustafa Demir is an Assistant Research Professor in the Global Security Initiative and a Faculty Associate at the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University (ASU). Dr. Demir received his Ph.D. in Simulation, Modeling, and Applied Cognitive Science with a focus on team coordination dynamics and team effectiveness in human-machine teaming (HMT) from ASU in the Spring of 2017. Under Dr. Nancy J. Cooke's supervision for the last 11 years, his research has been grounded in a human-systems engineering approach, and he seeks to optimize sociotechnical systems by understanding and developing more effective human-centered collaborative systems. Since 2012, Dr. Demir has published his academic work in various journals and conference proceedings in social and engineering sciences (h-index: 19). His specific interests include designing and developing HMT in various task contexts, advanced statistical modeling, quantum and dynamical systems modeling, team cognition, operations research, and technological innovation and econometrics. Dr. Demir is also a member of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) since 2015.

Dr. James McCarthy (Moderator)
Dr. McCarthy, Sonalysts’ Vice President for Instructional System Development, has approximately 30 years of experience in advanced system development. Jim has devoted most of his career to the development and evaluation of advanced training systems for the DoD, other Governmental agencies, and commercial clients. He specializes in the development of intelligent tutoring systems, adaptive instructional systems, simulation-based instruction, and game-based learning.