Research to Practice - Answering the "So What" question about Human Robotic Interactions - Then and Now
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In 2016, T. Sheridan published a review paper on the status and challenges of Human-Robotic Interactions (HRI), and it continues to be one of the most cited publications in Human Factors. In this most recent installment of Research to Practice, answering the “So What” question, we will have Dr. Sheridan review this paper's findings and suggest further research. Justin Croyle, from Amazon robotics, will talk about his work with robotics and some of the current and future needs he sees that practitioners need from scientists to make HRI as effective, efficient, and safe as possible.

Thomas Sheridan
Professor Emeritus
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Department of Aeronautics/Astronautics at MIT
Thomas B. Sheridan is Ford Professor Emeritus in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Department of Aeronautics/Astronautics at MIT. He ran a lab called Human-Machine Systems. He served as president of both the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society and the IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society. He is a fellow of IEEE, HFES, IEA and is a member of the National Academy of Engineering.

Justin Croyle
Safety Engineer
Principal Functional Safety engineer at Amazon robotics
Justin Croyle has spent 17 years in industry as a safety engineer. He holds a B.S. in Aerospace Studies and M.S. in Safety Science, both from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University. His safety engineering career has included work on spacecraft, missile systems, autonomous vehicles and robotics. He is currently a Principal Functional Safety engineer at Amazon robotics, with a focus on mobile robots. His work at Amazon has resulted in certified safety systems deployed in over 520,000 robots to date.

Julie Gilpin-McMinn (Moderator)
Technical Fellow Human Factors/Ergonomics
Spirit Aerosystems, Inc.

Moderator: Camille Peres (Moderator)
Associate Professor
Texas A&M University