Successes and Barriers of Establishing a Meaningful DEI Program: Beyond Only Diverse Representation Non-member Access
- Non-member - $49
This webinar is organized by the Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) Affinity Group to discuss DEI within HFES and beyond.
There is lots of effort towards establishing and maintaining Diversity, Equity and Inclusions (DEI) programs within companies and institutions. But how do these approaches coalesce into organizational “inclusive excellence”? This 90 minute webinar will consist of short presentations from each of our speakers followed by a panel discussion. During this webinar, the need for a science-based approach to DEI will discussed. Additionally, there will be discussion around the difficulties of DEI efforts in our current political landscape and how do we move forward
Our distinguished speakers and panelists are:
- Dr. Rod Roscoe, Associate Professor, from the Arizona State University, Human Systems Engineering, The Polytechnic School
- Dr. Renaldo C. Blocker, Associate Professor, from the Mayo Clinic, and Endowed Kern Honored Investigator for Diversity Science

Dr. Rod Roscoe
Associate Professor, Arizona State University, Human Systems Engineering, The Polytechnic School
Associate Professor, Arizona State University, Human Systems Engineering, The Polytechnic School

Dr. Renaldo C. Blocker
Associate Professor, Mayo Clinic, Endowed Kern Honored Investigator for Diversity Science
Associate Professor, Mayo Clinic, Endowed Kern Honored Investigator for Diversity Science

Ninica Howard (Moderator)
Senior Researcher

Areen Alsaid (Moderator)