Titans of HFE 2025

Titans of HFE 2025

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The Titans of HFE Virtual Symposium is a showcase of some of the premier researchers, practitioners, and academicians in HFES.  Speakers presented on the foundational areas of the science of human factors and ergonomics and will provide their insights into the future of HFE.  

The Titans Symposium is an ideal opportunity to gain knowledge and insights into important HFE areas such as situation awareness, attention, decision-making, spinal ergonomics, human error, team cognition and interaction, automation, autonomous vehicles, telepresence, patient safety, macro-ergonomics, aging, inclusion, stress, human system interactions, and team effectiveness.   

Whether you are an early-career professional, student, seasoned researcher, or practitioner, the Titans Symposium provides the opportunity to learn about the fundamental concepts, recent developments, and future initiatives through the eyes of the experts.

Chair, Kermit G. Davis, University of Cincinnati


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