HFES Titan: Pascale Carayon; Presentation: Transforming Health Care for Patient Safety - Past, Present and Future of HFE Research

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Recorded On: 02/07/2022

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HFES Titan: Pascale Carayon; Presentation: Transforming Health Care for Patient Safety - Past, Present and Future of HFE Research

Pascale Carayon

Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering

University of Wisconsin-Madison


Pascale Carayon Biography
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin. Pascale Carayon Biography
Transforming Health Care for Patient Safety - Past, Present and Future of HFE Research
Recorded 02/07/2022
Recorded 02/07/2022 Transforming Health Care for Patient Safety - Past, Present and Future of HFE Research